Red Hat Linux Fedora in 24 Hours
This book does not assume any prior knowledge on working with Linux and therefore, covers everything step-by-step. All the 24 chapters in the book have been organized into four major topics-Installing Fedora, Using Linux at the console, Using Linux on the Desktop and Advanced Topics. The book provides you all the information, which you need to know about the Fedora Core Linux. After reading this book you can easily install Fedora and navigate through its desktop. It tells you how to use the Linux command line, use the file manager to manage files and directories, browse the Web, send mail and administer Fedora system in a working environment.
Questions and answers, Quizzes and exercises at the end of each chapter help you test your knowledge. There are also diagrams and visuals wherever required to let you understand things clearly. This book comes with two installation discs containing the complete pulishers edition of the Fedora Core Linux Distribution. Overall, a good book to learn Fedora Core Linux.
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