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Click&Clean - Clears Internet History on Explorer

Published by Jayakanthan on Wednesday at 2:52 AM.

Click&Clean - Clears Internet History on Explorer

With just a click, simply cleans your whole computer and eliminate all the unnecessary and useless junk files that slows down your computer and while on internet. It helps you to freeup your harddisk space on your computer and improves faster to access internet.

Click & Clean simple adds a button on your Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Toolbar. It keeps you in security and privacy while on surfing. To run Click&Clean just click 'Cleaner' logo on the 'Cleaner' button and it will be started and it will erase the internet history and other tracks on your computer safely and completely without any prompts.

License: Freeware

Requirements: Windows 2000/XP
Internet Explorer 5.0 or above
Mozilla Firefox 1.5.0

Size: 107kb

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