Rearrange Movies using 'All My Movies'
Do you have lots of movies stored in your computer or in DVDs, Video CD, AVI or MPEG or even in VHS Tapes? Confused to catalogue in orderwise or don't know the Title, Director, Genre, Languages, Genre, Subtitle etc? Here it is 'All My Movies', it helps to rearrange the files in order. This program is specifically designed for DVDs and works fully automatically with all digital carriers.
Just insert a DVD or locate a movie on your hard-drive, the program will extract all movie information, if the details not present, it can be imported from online movide database, like IMDB with just a single click or can be entered manually.
It has a tree like database structure, you can easily navigate by genre, actor or director. Another important feature is an option to capture movie screens for DVDs and AVI files and attach them to the database. All My Movies can be exported to MS Excel, HTML or in plain text files.
More features:
Password Protection of the movie database.
Easy to use Loan Manager
Import video collection from other formats
large cover image import from internet databases Amazon and DVDEmpire
You have a chance to get a Free All My Movies license. Just find any bugs, grammatical, spelling or stylistic mistakes on this site or in the software's help and user interface. Send a full bug report to us using on their feedback form. If you can draw a logo for All My Movies you are welcome!
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